Wednesday, December 19, 2018

cinematography clip anlysis

13 reasons why

In the introduction of the clip there is a tracking shot of al the characters walking into the setting which is the liberty high school.furthermore than there is a panning shot which takes place inside the school near the locker of the new students when clay is talking about the suicide of Hannah addition there are no close-ups which shows that they are not focusing in one character from the series.The camera quality is very clear and there were medium shots taken when the characters are speaking that shows us clearly who is speaking.

citizen Kane

There are a lot of shots being used in the video and the long shot shows us the setting of the place clearly and the low-key lightning shows that there is something mysterious going on in the place and that can probably make the audience frightened .furthermore the close-up shots of the characters in the end also builds more tension and the sound is also parallel which goes with the scene quiet well.

Three colours blue

The close ups of the clips show us that there is something wrong with girl as she seems to be very sad which shows there is a chance that something tragic might have happened to her.furthermore these close-ups towards the girls show that she is in a horrible position which makes the audience have sympathy towards the girl.

Moulin rouge

The different shots and camera movement help us to see all the characters and settings which is by the medium shots which show us the protagonist face and help us see the facial expressions which show us that he is quite drunk.There are other segments which are also important like the bright lights being used to show that there is a lot of happiness and joy in the scene.

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